There is (well, was) a window in the middle of the wall in the SPARE ROOM. (I am trying very hard not to keep calling it the "craft room" anymore.) That window needed to come out as there will be a wall in the middle of that space to divide the room into two smaller bedrooms. MacGyver made that happen yesterday! Start to finish it took 4 hours!! He makes it look so easy!!

He started by taking out the old window.

Then he covered it up with plywood. (It was entertaining at the hardware store...we went to go get the sheet cut so it would fit in the car and MacGyver told the guy in "contractor terms" how it needed to be cut. The uy looked taken aback and smiled and said "nice! I wish more people would tell me how they wanted it cut like that!" I don't think he was expecting "Contractor MacGyver" to roll up in a Mazda Protege!)

View from the inside.

He sealed the sides with some super ninja "Protecto-something-or-other". It looks like glorified masking tape in my opinion :)

Then go on two layers of this black felt stuff (Tar paper maybe?). He said he probably put on more than most people would but he said "I don't want this [sucker] to leak!" Ooooo-kay then!

We had to replace the shingle/shake siding. Unfortunately it was rapidly getting dark and it was about 4000 below zero. The shingles were not cut straight when they were bundled and we didn't have time to re-cut them before installing them. So this patch looks pretty conspicuous compared to the razor straight edge of the rest of the side. Hopefully we'll be able to straghten them out later...when it's not so cold and dark

A fast layer of Kilz primer over the top...(done by flashlight by the way)

...and voila! No more window! Now it just kinda of looks like we spray painted a white square on the back of the house! If you lok closely you can see the uneven edge. It's driving MacGyver nuts so hopefully it can be fixed soon!
Next step is to cut new windows for the two new windows and install those! More to come!!
He started by taking out the old window.
Then he covered it up with plywood. (It was entertaining at the hardware store...we went to go get the sheet cut so it would fit in the car and MacGyver told the guy in "contractor terms" how it needed to be cut. The uy looked taken aback and smiled and said "nice! I wish more people would tell me how they wanted it cut like that!" I don't think he was expecting "Contractor MacGyver" to roll up in a Mazda Protege!)
View from the inside.
He sealed the sides with some super ninja "Protecto-something-or-other". It looks like glorified masking tape in my opinion :)
Then go on two layers of this black felt stuff (Tar paper maybe?). He said he probably put on more than most people would but he said "I don't want this [sucker] to leak!" Ooooo-kay then!
We had to replace the shingle/shake siding. Unfortunately it was rapidly getting dark and it was about 4000 below zero. The shingles were not cut straight when they were bundled and we didn't have time to re-cut them before installing them. So this patch looks pretty conspicuous compared to the razor straight edge of the rest of the side. Hopefully we'll be able to straghten them out later...when it's not so cold and dark
A fast layer of Kilz primer over the top...(done by flashlight by the way)
...and voila! No more window! Now it just kinda of looks like we spray painted a white square on the back of the house! If you lok closely you can see the uneven edge. It's driving MacGyver nuts so hopefully it can be fixed soon!
Next step is to cut new windows for the two new windows and install those! More to come!!