After a whirlwind of a weekend, we are all moved, unpacked, and settled...well for the most part! Many thanks to everyone who helped us move! MacGyver's sister and the kids helped pack (we assigned the breaking down of boxes to his 6 and 3 year old was pretty cute) Thursday night. MacGyver and I picked up the U-haul Friday morning (yes, we upgraded from a 10' truck to a 17' truck...everyone should know better by now than to put me in charge of spatial reasoning tasks - such as getting an appropriately sized U-haul for example). Then MacGyver's sister and brother-in-law came over bright and early to help pack. We were loaded up and on our way by about 1:00 and unloaded into the house by about 4:30. Phew! MacGyver's friend came over Friday night to "christen" the house. While we waited for him to arrive, we unpacked.
By Saturday morning, almost the entire downstairs was unpacked and arranged. My parents came out on Sunday so we made the house as presentable as possible...they donated a washer and dryer to our cause (thanks Mom and Dad!!!) They also gifted us several things for our new house...we now OFFICIALLY have a fire extinguisher (MacGyver says thank you). My Mom and I painted my window for Christmas too. I'll post a picture as soon as I can...I think Mr. Mouse looks a little special...or drunk...or maybe both. I'll let you decide! :)

As I said was quite the weekend. It's good to be all settled and done though! We go back one more time to the apartment and clean it all out, give back the keys, and become official
Tillamookians. (Yes, you heard me right, I said
I think it's time for a nap now.
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