Operation: Fix This House!

Operation: Fix This House!
Our adventures in fixing up a fixer-upper

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Confessions of an Antibride
Snarky Commentary on Wedding Planning

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And other Crafting Goodness

The Floors: Chapter Two!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My computer has been out of commission for a few days while I relocated it to a more permanent home. The picture uploading cradle is connected to that and so I apologize for slacking.

The last post you all read included photos of MacGyver in the process of lifting the floors. The next day, he raised the floors a tad bit more. Amazing what an eensy weensy bit more weight can do to a floor...

Eh hem...ummm yeah. That's right boys and girls! You're looking at the jack that went through the floor!

This is a picture of the bottle jack sitting inside the floor. It actually broke through the 1" thick concrete floor of the basement (which I'm told is actually not much at all) and wedged itself underneath! So that was pretty awesome to come home to.

Not to worry though, MacGyver patched the hole in the floor and made it all right again. With a little elbow grease, and more pounding

(because, as I'm learning, the first lesson in home repairs is to always try pounding the poo out of something first!!),

the post is back where it belongs sitting on a freshly poured patch of concrete.

Well, close enough!

The Floors: Chapter One

Thursday, January 4, 2007

MacGyver spent today working on the floors!

When his friend was here awhile back they made a string line to show where the posts should meet the main beam. MacGyver used cement that was supposed to dry in three minutes...

still not dry...

still not dry...

three hours later it still isn't dry. Apparently the basement is too cold so hopefully by tomorrow it will be dry?

This is first casualty of the floors being jacked up.

This lock used to lock. Now that the floors have been lifted an entire inch (yikes!), things seem to be shifting around a bit. Eh hem...

When all was said and done the floors were lifed about 5/8". There is still about another 1/4" to go, but that will probably wait until summer when the house has had a chance to settle again. It's like we took our house to the chiropractor!

I just hope we don't end up with vaulted ceilings when this all over.

The Craft Room!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The craft room is coming along quite nicely! Sadly, MacGyver refuses to take pictures so all projects completed solely by me will not have many photos. The colors in the pictures do not do justice to the actual wall colors, but if you picture Skittles, you'll be close. The walls are a bright spring green (think green VW Beetle).

The slanted wall is a bright sherbet orange color.

The trim is hot fuschia pink, and the outside of the windows are olive color. The door will be painted in some of these colors as well at a later time.

The giant free standing closet structure thing was so much bigger than we actually thought, so I (yes, I, all by myself) took a hammer and a flat crowbar thing and busted that sucker apart. MacGyver carried all the pieces to the basement for me :) (Thanks MacGyver!) The room is so much bigger now!!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I hung all of those shelves by myself. I, yes I, used a drill. And the level is there to show you all how close I got the first time around. MacGyver's comment: "Yeah, so it's off. What's your point?" Whatever.


2009 ·Pink Dog Blog by TNB