When his friend was here awhile back they made a string line to show where the posts should meet the main beam. MacGyver used cement that was supposed to dry in three minutes...

still not dry...

still not dry...

three hours later it still isn't dry. Apparently the basement is too cold so hopefully by tomorrow it will be dry?
This is first casualty of the floors being jacked up.

This lock used to lock. Now that the floors have been lifted an entire inch (yikes!), things seem to be shifting around a bit. Eh hem...

When all was said and done the floors were lifed about 5/8". There is still about another 1/4" to go, but that will probably wait until summer when the house has had a chance to settle again. It's like we took our house to the chiropractor!

I just hope we don't end up with vaulted ceilings when this all over.
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