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And other Crafting Goodness

To cake, or not to cake

Monday, June 13, 2011

I hate cake.

I have this problem though, when it comes to cake.  Cake and hot dogs, actually.  I see them, and I smell them, and I think they are going to taste sooo good.  And then I take a bite and remember that these are two of the nastiest foods invented.  In my opinion, anyway.  (My apologies to the cake and hot dog lovers out there.)  Needless to say, I was all about Rice Krispy treats, or brownies, or cookies, or anything other than cake for our wedding.

True to form, MacGyver informed me that he likes cake, and he wants a wedding cake.  This is presumably so he has something to smash in my face at the cake cutting ceremony.  This places us in a dilemma.  Do we have cake?  Do we not have cake?

Originally I thought about doing a combination of both.  A small wedding cake for the caking bit, and then an assortment of desserts from which the guests could choose.  Of course, that means a heck of a lot more work and money.  I'm not a big fan of either of those things.  And, let's be honest, I'm really not going to be eating a whole lot on that day anyway, especially dessert!

Then we have to decide whether to have a DIY cake (I googled that, and it appears to be a mixed bag of results), or purchase a professionally made cake.  I haven't looked at prices for wedding cakes, but I'm going to make an educated guess and say they aren't cheap.

Then I found these:

I'm in love.  Ignore the pansies, and look at how adorable the tiny cakes are!  I'm thinking they'd be a piece of cake to make too (har, har).  You could make a regular old sheet cake, and then use biscuit cutters to make the tiers.  The people on the website used poured fondant to coat these cakelets, and that would make decorating them a cinch too.  What do you think?

I'm going to run this by MacGyver and see what he thinks.  I'll keep you posted on what he says.

Happy caking!



Anonymous said...

I like it! There is however, the flavor dilemma. All the same? Chocolate? A variety? Lemon and vanilla? Then there's the work dilemma. Early would be good, but that leads to the enough-freezer-space dilemma. And I actually like the pansies. Better than red hots by far.
Your lovingly opininated
MOG (Mother of the Groom) Hmm. I don't like it. Second try:
Your lovingly opinionated
MOS (Mother of Superman). Not so good either. Ive got it!
Your lovingly opinionated
SMOG (Superman's Mother - of the Groom)
I hope I can still come to the wedding.

June 13, 2011 at 3:06 PM
Pink Dog said...

Haha! SMOG is my favorite!

That hotdog cake is fantastic! I think I'd have a complex trying to eat something that tasted so incongruent with what I was looking at!

June 14, 2011 at 8:52 AM
Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog today. I've not laughed this hard in quite some time and have only this to add. It's your wedding and you and 'Superman' can do anything you'd like. Your creativity is one of the things that make you so incredible - I'm sure something delightfully edible will emerge.
By the way .... hats off to the most creative 'save the date' EVER!!!! (See, what I mean?)
Love and super powers to you both!
Auntie V from the land of the midnight sun.

June 14, 2011 at 5:28 PM
Anonymous said...

You've never had my famous dark chocolate cake with raspberry goo in the middle and truely buttercream frosting. I'm telling you - it's divine!

June 14, 2011 at 8:18 PM
Anonymous said...

These are too cute! Plus, you could always have them be frosted brownies and they would look the same. Or shape some rice crispy treats like these. Do you really not like cake??

June 14, 2011 at 8:18 PM

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2009 ·Pink Dog Blog by TNB