Since I've worked here, our shifts have gone from 8:30am to 8:30am the next morning. Those of us in the rotation have been rallying for awhile to get that changed for the above mentioned reasons. The idea being that if we were up all night, we wouldn't have a full schedule the next day and we could sleep in a little bit. I'm all for preparing for the zombie apocalypse, but I don't think the folks accessing our services should have to worry about that when they come in to see us.
I was one of the more vocal proponents of this change, and last week we were able to implement it for the first time. This meant that my original Thursday morning to Friday morning shift moves to Wednesday night to Thursday night, 5:00pm to 5:00pm.
Last night, while in the ER for the better part of 3 hours, I realized a fatal flaw in my planning.
We have a meeting at 8:30am every Thursday morning that is directly related to the on-call rotation. Which means that no matter how late I'm up the night before, I still have to get up and go to work for our staff meetings. This is not a problem with any other shift. How I overlooked that one is a mystery to me.
This morning was compounded by the fact that I was up late on Tuesday night helping MacGyver get ready for his new job.
OOHH! I completely forgot!! MacGyver got a job!
I'm sleep deprived. Please excuse me.
Tuesday afternoon MacGyver got a call asking him to come in for an interview Wednesday morning at 7:00am. The interview was about 90 minutes away, so he needed to leave about 5:00am to make sure he got there in plenty of time. Tuesday night we were up late at the office doing some maintenance work (I'm running off with the office maintenance guy! Tee hee!!) and then had to run around and find everything he needed for his interview. We didn't get to bed until about midnight. I made the mistake of going back to sleep after getting up with MacGyver at 5:00. I think I would have been okay if I'd just made some coffee and powered through the day, but I didn't. I went back to sleep, and getting up after two more hours was just brutal.
Then I did it again last night. Today, I'm running on fumes. My dad emailed me this morning, and I responded to a lot of information that was never in his original email. I just started making things up that I swear I read, but that weren't there at all! He wrote back and was like, "uhhh, did you even read that email?"
I take no responsibility for my actions today.
Luckily I was granted reprieve from future staff meetings in the morning if this should happen again. Everyone was kind enough to say that I could call in my information and show up later.
Oh, and the best part? My car is broken. And MacGyver has our other car an hour and a half away. I'm riding my Pink Bicycle to work, something that I actually enjoy doing when the weather is nice. But today I'm so tired that bicycling home seems like so much work.
If my next post is written from jail for passing out on some stranger's front lawn with my Pink Bicycle, you'll know what happened.
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