Every year when I was a kid my family would go camping for a few weeks. These camping trips are some of my favorite memories of growing up. I remember going swimming at the lake every year, waiting to get out of my warm sleeping bag until I knew my dad and brother had the fire started and the coffee/hot chocolate made, driving through the Redwood forest and seeing those magnificent trees for the first time, that time I got the flu and had a horrible fever the whole trip and my dad threatened to throw me in the lake and I was so scared he'd actually do it, or that other time when my brother fell on a tree stump and wound up with some serious carnage on his back...
Ah, yes. Fond memories.
Last year my dad mentioned that camping sounded like fun and I immediately jumped on the bandwagon and invited myself and MacGyver along. Then I invited my brother. Pretty soon we had a camping reunion in the works! Dad booked the campground we always stayed at when we were kids. We have a special campsite too, and Dad reserved it a year in advance. I took time off work and my brother flew in with his girlfriend. They live on the east coast so we don't get to see him often. He's a real kick in the pants and I was soo looking forward to hanging out all week.
MacGyver and I packed our Exploder to the gills, and then shoved wine bottles in every nook and cranny. Every time I pulled another bin out while we were unpacking it was like Christmas! This was the first family camping trip in which alcohol was involved. Wooo!
The first day or so of camping was fairly low key. We'd all just come off of crazy, strenuous work schedules and I think we all needed a little down time. But on Sunday, my brother, his girlfriend, MacGyver and I went to the sand dunes to fly his new kite.
Two things that are vital to this story that you need to know before I begin:
1. My skin would make an albino shield his eyes. It's a glaring, brilliant white. Actually, I bet on a clear day they can see me from the space station. This means that I also sunburn easily. Like, just me walking from my car to her office puts my dermatologist in fits.
2. MacGyver and I just found an amazing deal on a new telephoto lens for our digital camera, so we bought it.
Okay back to the story. On this particular Sunday, the sun was shining high in the sky, as it is wont to do in July. Our campsite was fairly shaded, so I was wearing jeans and a black hoodie. I was also wearing sneakers because I wasn't thinking about walking in sand when we left the campsite.
There is a lake in the middle of the sand dunes, and a nice little swimming hole. That day there were a fair amount of people playing in the water, and also sand-boarding down the dunes. I had never heard of this sport before this weekend, but it looked like fun. If you're into the whole running up and down huge, steep hills of sand kind of thing. MacGyver and my brother went to go get the kite started. I was advised that if I continued to stand where I was standing, I might find my head, or other various limbs, in need of intensive care. Or a morgue. So I moved down the hill a bit, closer to a lot of the families playing in the sand.
I realized shortly after arriving that I had not applied sunscreen before we left. Please don't tell my dermatologist. This meant I couldn't take my hoodie off and wear the much more appropriate tank top I had on underneath. I tried to keep my hood up to protect my head, but it was too hot, so I just adjusted the camera bag strap so that it pushed the hood up around the back of my neck a little more.
So there I was. Standing out in the middle of these huge sand dunes, by myself, next to a swimming hole with lots of children, in dark sunglasses, black hoodie, jeans and sneakers on a hot, sunny day, with a telephoto lens on my camera, taking pictures of someone flying a kite several hundred feet away.
I'm sure it didn't look creepy at all.
I am rather surprised that people didn't try to relocate their children away from the Unabomber taking pictures of nothing.
I am rather surprised that people didn't try to relocate their children away from the Unabomber taking pictures of nothing.
I did get some pretty awesome pictures that day though.
I love how the guy in the background looks like he's running for his life.
I stalked this bald eagle for awhile too. I've never seen a bald eagle that close before. Really impressive - even for a bird.
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