Operation: Fix This House!

Operation: Fix This House!
Our adventures in fixing up a fixer-upper

Confessions of an Antibride

Confessions of an Antibride
Snarky Commentary on Wedding Planning

Pink Dog Cooks

Pink Dog Cooks
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And other Crafting Goodness

OMG We're Getting Married!

Friday, May 20, 2011

After nearly 7 years of dating, this was a sentence I never thought I'd be saying.  In fact, for approximately 7 years I vehemently rejected the entire concept of marriage!

Nope.  Not getting married.

Thank you for playing.

And in the event that I accidentally did agree to get married, it was most definitely going to be the result of a long night of drinking, and would involve Elvis and a Drive-Thru Chapel somewhere in Vegas.

Alas, through a series of unfortunate events (which will not be detailed here in order to protect the innocent), Vegas was not to be.


Instead, we're going to have a wedding!!  There will be feathers and rhinestones and pearls (oh, my!).  And you, the fabulous folks of the Internets, get to come along for the ride!

Seriously though.  So far, the Internets have been a plethora of fantastic ideas and inspirations.  And since I am shamelessly stealing ideas from other people, it's only fair that I put my own ideas out there to be pillaged for others' use.  Unless my idea is especially brilliant.  In which case I will copyright said idea and pursue offenders to the fullest extent of the law.

That's all for now.

See you at the altar!

Love, The Anti-Bride


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2009 ·Pink Dog Blog by TNB