Operation: Fix This House!

Operation: Fix This House!
Our adventures in fixing up a fixer-upper

Confessions of an Antibride

Confessions of an Antibride
Snarky Commentary on Wedding Planning

Pink Dog Cooks

Pink Dog Cooks
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And other Crafting Goodness

Wherein I have an anxiety attack

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm not one who has ever been accused of being good at planning.  I'm much more of a fly by the seat of someone else's pants kind of girl.  Once someone points me in the general direction of what needs to happen, I'm good.  But getting to that point is often difficult and painful for me.

Case in point: choosing a wedding date.  The more I get into this whole wedding planning bit, the more I realize we probably should have thought this whole thing through a little more.  Like, wait.  You mean we have to DO things?  PLAN things?  Uhh...right.

It's thinking like that which took us 7 years to get here.  Which made us realize we needed to rip off the Band-Aid and do it.  My mom came out (three cheers for Mom!) and made us sit down.  We needed it.

Sitting down at the table looking into two deer in the headlights, she broke it down for us.

"Let's pick a month," she said.

Okay.  Sure.  There are only 12 to choose from.  How hard can that be?

January?  No, too close to Christmas.

February?  Absolutely not!  No Valentine's Day wedding for this Anti-Bride.  I'm all for putting up with the Princess wedding but I've got to put my foot down somewhere.  (I should mention that MacGyver agreed February was too barfy, even by his standards.)

March?  Eh.  Too cold.  Plus it's March.  Beware the Ides of March and such.

April?  Super rainy, and MG wants photos.  Outside.  In the sunshine.

May?  Maybe, except that May was the month we were making all these decisions, and a year seemed like way too much time for us to wait and probably back out of this whole little operation.  We're ripping off the Band-Aid, remember?

June?  July?  August?  Also possibilities, but again, then we're looking at over a year.  See above comment on me and MacGyver bailing out.

September?  We have family with kids who would be starting school then.  That would make it a little hectic for them.  I think there was another reason here too, but I forgot.

October is six months away.  That seems like a splendid time!  MG even suggested we carve pumpkins as part of the unity ceremony.  That was really funny until I started retching in his direction.  There will be no pumpkin carving at this event.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

October it is!


OCTOBER IT IS!!!  (Insert panic attack in three...two...one...)

That's six months away and my ring isn't due to arrive for another six weeks and that means we're going to have to tell everyone and that means people will be asking questions about when and where andIhavetofindadressandwehavetofindaplacetogoand...

...you can see how the rest of the afternoon went.

I think we might need to crack open those cases of wine a little earlier than anticipated.

Please send limes.  And tequila.

Love, AntiBride


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